Season 2020/21 Player Registration & Payment

Dear all,

Firstly welcome back! The new season is fast approaching and we wanted to share some news and annoucnments.


If you haven’t done so already please register for the new season by clicking here.

Fees for 2020/21

This season the club management have reviewed costs and after consultation with insurance and pitch providers unfortunately the costs they charge the club have increased due to COVID-19. As you are aware, this is not a money making venture, coaches are volunteers (unpaid) and do this for the love of the community and the game. This year we will not be charging you for the end of year award ceremony therefore we are pleased to announce we’ve been able to keep the fees at £170 for the season.

Please click here to find instructions on how to pay. If you can not afford to pay upfront please click here.

Season duratioN Reminder

The fees you pay are only for the duration of the season only. The season offically runs from September and ends in April. Anything before or after the season is due to the goodwill of your coach who is committing his own time.

Allstars Club Management