Return To Training

New Update.

After some deep discussions within our Club Committee, we have agreed that our teams can return to training under the conditions set by the FA.

Coaches are allowed to coach a group for 5 players (maximum) at one time. (The ratio of players to coaches should be 5-1)

Hand sanitisers and disinfectant wipes should be used before and after training sessions

Training sessions need to be carried out with a 2 meter distance between each player (Matches and Tackling drills are not permitted)

We are asking all parents/ guardians to please make sure the follow the the instructions set out by their coaches, it’s important that we make our training sessions as safe as possible for all children and coaches

If anyone would like to discuss any of our policies or any other matter concerning the return to training please contact our welfare officers Raisidi Seidun or Myles Maddix.

We look forward to seeing you at training again.